Optimization of work in a business environment involves the use of modern technologies. IT specialists constantly improve the software to quickly solve critical business problems, speed up workflow processes, and effectively manage the enterprise.
Companies using cloud implementation services are growing rapidly. Innovative cloud solutions contribute to a noticeable increase in sales. At the same time, the cost of attracting customers is significantly reduced.
Customer relationship management (CRM) systems also play an important role. Such automated systems offer a number of serious advantages that determine their high relevance. Salesforce is the world leader in CRM. This platform allows successfully managing business processes, customer relations, analytics, marketing, and sales, which explains the high demand for salesforce consulting nowadays.
CRM and the Benefits It Provides to Business
CRM is a model of interaction that determines that the center of the entire business philosophy is the client, and the main activities are measures to support effective marketing, sales, and customer service. Supporting these business goals includes collecting, storing, and analyzing information about customers, suppliers, partners, and internal company processes.
Among the advantages that the company receives when using CRM systems, the following should be highlighted:
- Prompt decision-making thanks to the systematization of data and acceleration of their processing;
- The productivity of marketing activities due to individualization, which is the result of using information about each individual client;
- Rational use of working time, as employees can quickly receive all information without the need to spend time searching for it;
- High accuracy of reports;
- Reduction of paper documents;
- Correct prioritization;
- Streamlined work processes, elimination of double work by employees;
- Improved service quality and, as a result, minimized loss of client flow;
- Enhanced data protection.
Selection and Implementation of a CRM System in the Company’s Activities
When choosing a CRM system, it is important to focus on the specific conditions and features of functioning, as well as the compliance of the cost of its use with the budget and business needs. If all these criteria are considered, the system will greatly facilitate the company’s work and make it more efficient.
Top 4 CRM Systems to Consider
Salesforce, SugarCRM, Terrasoft, and Dynamics CRM deserve special attention. Find their brief descriptions in the paragraphs below.
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Salesforce is considered the world leader in CRM. This system offers a wide range of tools for small, medium, and large businesses. Today, it is not only a CRM system but also a platform for developing its own programs and tools necessary for managing relationships with customers.
It is a popular open-source system that can be radically modified to suit your needs. The basic program makes it possible to explore the possibilities of SugarCRM and further implement it step by step without disturbing the usual working rhythm and existing business schemes.
The advantage of Terrasoft is the ability to adapt to the company’s needs without involving technical specialists. Terrasoft solutions are based on SaaS (software as a service) and Open Source (free software) technologies. The system is designed for both manufacturing and trading companies. The development level allows organizing remote workplaces and increasing the efficiency of employees.
Dynamics CRM
This Microsoft system is a flexible and affordable customer relationship management solution. It combines tools for sales, marketing, and customer service employees, allows for shortening the sales cycle, makes it more predictable, and increases the number of successfully completed deals.
Stages of CRM Project Implementation
The successful implementation of the CRM project involves the following:
- Setting strategic goals that define the content of the action program and determining what benefits the company plans to receive from the implementation of CRM. It is appropriate to set short-term and long-term goals for the company;
- Specification of goals that the company plans to achieve. The CRM project implementation process and its effectiveness are difficult to control if certain quality parameters are not clearly defined. Therefore, there is a need to develop a mechanism for measuring and controlling results;
- Development of a strategy that defines relations with customers. Before initiating changes in structure, business processes, culture, and technology, an organization must clearly define what it expects from establishing loyal customer relationships. For example, such a strategy can be a competitive advantage due to targeting the largest customers or increasing sales volumes through the most profitable sales channels.
It is important to emphasize that the implementation of CRM systems should take place at all levels of the enterprise (from shareholders and top management to employees) and cover all aspects of its activities. Practice shows that much better results are usually obtained with the involvement of senior management in the CRM strategies development and implementation.
Final Remarks
CRM systems are one of the most promising software and management information systems market segments. This effective channel helps companies stand out from competitors by using effective tools for interacting with customers, increasing sales, monitoring employee actions, automating the company’s business processes, increasing the productivity of all departments, etc.
Choosing a CRM system is not always easy. Along with the classic requirements for information systems, it is necessary to pay special attention to the flexibility of the information system because it must be able to adapt to the company`s business processes and the rules of customer relations. Salesforce is the best choice in many cases.